16 October 2005

Say something sexy

Today, I got an e-mail message from an ex-girlfriend who moved far away months ago; we still talk and flirt all the time, and often engage in conversations of a sexual nature. Her message requested that I say something sexy – just something brief and sexy.

My mind went to work immediately and voraciously to tackle this remarkably complicated request. Here are some of the ideas I came up with:

  • I want you so badly that I’m considering getting out of bed.
  • C-Span is airing a discussion on sexual freedom and its making me think of you.
  • I recently had a role-playing fantasy in which I was Henry Kissinger
  • My double chin is starting to look like your ass
  • I still find your hairs all over my house – and I’ve been collecting them.
  • The constant rubbing together of my thighs makes me think of you
  • I’m dedicating my Ph.D. dissertation to your body.
  • I was thinking about you in the men’s room the other day…
  • I rarely wear underwear, and when I do, it’s usually something exotic.
  • I’m watching Star Trek right now and Riker is about to fuck some member of an alien androgynous species.
  • I not only changed my sheets two days ago, but even washed my duvet cover.
  • Since you left, I haven’t had any sex – by choice, mind you.